Questions related to Job Problem

You can ask questions from Famous Astrologer in Delhi NCR Astrologer
Pankaj Kumar as per written below or as per your problems.
(1) Will i get some job and when?
(2) When will be promoted?
(3) Is changing of job good for me?
(4) Any foreign assignment to me?
(5) Any obstacle in my career?
(6) Will i do job or business? if job than government job or private job?
(7) Is my birth place is good for doing service or go far away?
(8) Will i go overseas?
(9) Will i settle abroad?
(10) Will i be able to clear off loans?
(11) Will i be able to borrow?
(12) If i am suspended or dismissed than reinstatement when?
(13) Is transfer good for me?
(14) For solving any problem in my horoscope regarding job, which gems i can wear?
(15) If i am having any dosh in my horoscope regarding job than what are the remedies to remove the dosh?
(2) When will be promoted?
(3) Is changing of job good for me?
(4) Any foreign assignment to me?
(5) Any obstacle in my career?
(6) Will i do job or business? if job than government job or private job?
(7) Is my birth place is good for doing service or go far away?
(8) Will i go overseas?
(9) Will i settle abroad?
(10) Will i be able to clear off loans?
(11) Will i be able to borrow?
(12) If i am suspended or dismissed than reinstatement when?
(13) Is transfer good for me?
(14) For solving any problem in my horoscope regarding job, which gems i can wear?
(15) If i am having any dosh in my horoscope regarding job than what are the remedies to remove the dosh?